Tuesday 26 July 2016

Gaining Popularities Day By Day

Global warming has increased the demand and request for green energy produced by renewable sources such as solar power. Consequently, solar tracking is increasingly being applied as a sustainable power generating solution.

Solar Tracking System is a device for orienting a solar panel or concentrating a solar reflector or lens towards the sun. Concentrators, especially in solar cell applications, require a high degree of accuracy to ensure that the concentrated sunlight is directed precisely to the powered device. Precise tracking of the sun is achieved through systems with single or dual axis tracking.

But before we discuss further about solar tracking systems, we need to know; what exactly solar tracking is about.

Solar Tracking is an obvious way to improve the efficiency of solar power plants. As the sun moves across the sky an electric actuator system makes sure that the solar panels automatically follow and maintain the optimum angle in order to make the most of the sunbeams. Tracking the sun from east in the morning to west in the evening will increase the efficiency of the solar panel up to 45%. With almost no maintenance cost you can expect full return on your investment. That is why; solar tracking is a good way to increase and to produce solar energies than the other ways of doing it.

Different Varieties Of Solar Tracking Systems

There are different ways in which one can do solar tracking. There are variations in solar panels or solar trackers. Before using them, one needs to know about the variations of the trackers.

There is a single axis solar tracking system, where the panels can turn around the center of the axis and can face the sun throughout the day to consume energy.

Then there is dual axis solar tracking system. Dual axis tracking is typically used to orient a mirror and redirect sunlight along a fixed axis towards a stationary receiver. But the system can also gain additional yield on the PV cells.

Why One Should Use Solar Tracking Systems?

There are many advantages of using the solar tracking system. They are as follows.

Solar Trackers generate more electricity than their stationary counterparts due to an increased direct exposure to solar rays.

There are many different kinds of solar tracker, such as single-axis and dual-axis trackers, which can help you find the perfect fit for your unique job site. Installation size, local weather, degree of latitude, and electrical requirements are all important considerations that can influence the type of solar tracker that’s best for you.

Solar trackers generate more electricity in roughly the same amount of space needed for fixed tilt systems, making them ideal optimizing land usage.

There are certain disadvantages of using them too.

Solar trackers are slightly more expensive than their stationary counterparts, due to the more complex technology and moving parts necessary for their operation.

But, this is not much of a disadvantage keeping in mind the advantages it has. So, using a solar tracking system is a good ideas.

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